At the moment, Kyiv, like other regions of Central Ukraine, is suffering from electricity supply problems. Previously, rolling blackouts followed a strict schedule, but now they happen at any time. Grocery stores and supermarkets are particularly affected by these fluctuations. While generators handle the workload, they cannot fully power large retail space due to high prices for diesel and petrol, which are used to power the generators.
We have a solution to your problem. UNTK Company specializes in supplying diesel, petrol and diesel fuel in large and small wholesale quantities. With our own fuel tankers, which will ensure that you receive fuel on time. We offer discounts and special offers for bulk purchases. Despite the tough situation in the country, we are one of the few companies who have not drastically increased our prices.
Thanks to regular deliveries, generators will work constantly, keeping your products fresh and preventing theft among customers.
We work all over Ukraine. We will bring petrol in small and large wholesale to any city, town and village in Ukraine.
Stop standing in line at the petrol station or looking for suppliers who will still think about where it is better to deliver diesel - to you or a larger network. With us, you have a dedicated supplier you can always rely on.